Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ol' Man Winter's Still Checked In!

Mornin'! How 'bout those torrents last night? Whew! Flood sirens were wailing in the midnight hour in Wildwood. Some streets are still flooded but no damage to report. It's quieted down as the rains have subsided but the mist lingers on. It's 37 unseasonable degrees this morning. The sky is thickly cloud covered as the ocean's loudly dancing in the dark and light showers are going to linger off and on this morning. Clouds will clear somewhat today as the NW winds blow them right out at 10-20mph but it'll feel cold and blustery at 40° or so. Ol' man winter's hanging around today and isn't checking out so fast as it looks like he's in a pattern...a couple wet, windy, cold days; then one sunny, warm day; then back to the wet, windy, cold again for the upcoming week or so which includes this weekend. 88 days until Summer! High tide:High Noon; Low tide:6:07p.m.; Ocean temp:50°. RIP Liz.


ryder said...

love the pictures you used today & the new header! I did a tribute to liz on my blog today-check it out!

Henry H. Turtle said...

Liz at the beach is perfect!

Jim Anders said...

"Torrents of Spring": Hemingway
but I prefer Kipling.
Have you ever Kipled?