Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day!

Mornin'!  It's 49° in Wildwood this 1st of May known as "May Day" aka "Loyalty Day"...a celebration to encourage citizens to demonstrate their love for their country.  It's historically also known as the day to celebrate Spring.  And a fine Spring day it will be!  Temps will rise to the mid-upper 50's much like the sun which is due to cross the horizon in just a few
minutes and I'm happy to say will stick around the entire day.  It should be a beauty as there's not a cloud in the sky.  Breezes will be off the ocean and a bit on the stiff side at 18-22mph from the E-NE all day making for these cooler temperatures than the mainland will have.  Happy May!
High tide:1:41p.m.
Low tide:7:08a.m.
Ocean temp: 52°

1 comment:

Jim Anders said...

I want my maypole.