Mornin'! It's 69° in Wildwood NJ. Humidity's up there again at 96% with a dewpoint of 67°. Winds are out of the E-NE at 5-10mph and Ms Sun's up over the horizon. There isn't any cloud cover to report other than one of the offshore Webcams (Oceanview Campground) seems to be a bit foggy. It seems that we're going to have another nice day on tap. Expect mostly sunny skies with some of that light, wispy cloud cover, temps in the mid-70s and NE winds at 10-15mph. Tonight... partly clear with some of those clouds sticking around, temps in the mid-60s and East winds at 5-10mph. Saturday... mostly sunny, temps near 80° with East winds at 10-15mph. Saturday night... partly cloudy, temps in the low-mid 60s and East winds at 5-10mph. Sunday... sunny, temps near 80° and NE winds ramping up at 15-20mph +gusting as high as 25mph. Sunday night... clear, temps in the low-mid 60s. Monday... mostly sunny, temps near 80°.
High Tide: 4:15PMLow TIde: 9:35AM
Ocean Temp: 71°
Sunrise: 6:39AM
Sunset: 7:10PM
UV Index: 6
Rip Current: Moderate Risk... life-threatening rip currents are possible in the surf zone. I'd say to swim near a lifeguard but there are none posted this time of year. Lifeguard stands have been removed. Be very careful if heading to the beach and taking a dip. I've posted a guide to follow in case you don't heed my suggestion.