Mornin'! It's 48° in Wildwood NJ. No breezes to note at the moment. It's clear and still somewhat dark as dawn approaches. Ms Sun's due up in about a half an hour. The horizon is becoming the color of pumpkins. It's "adios" to October today! This last day of the month will be a lovely weather day. Expect plenty of sunshine with temps in the low 60s and breezes out of the S-SW at 13-18mph. Tonight for Trick or Treating...mostly clear (some clouds in the mix) with temps in the upper 50s and breezes out of the S-SW at 15-20mph. Tomorrow...just about the same weather but less breezy. Friday...a washout. At this time the weekend's looking like another 50-50 kind of weekend with Sunday being the nicer of the two days. Speaking of the weekend...get ready to turn the clocks back an hour. Hate when that happens as it'll become dark by 5pm. Until next year October...
High tide:2:00p.m.
Low tide:7:24a.m. and 8:30p.m.
Ocean temp:63°
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Mischief Night
High tide:12:56p.m.
Low tide:7:20p.m.
Ocean temp:63°
Monday, October 29, 2018
Sunny Monday
Mornin'! It's 53° in Wildwood NJ. The sky is clear as Ms Sun just rose over the horizon. It'll be a mostly sunny Monday. Some afternoon clouds are in the mix as well today. One thing's for certain...lots of stiff breezes today as the winds are currently out of the West at 15-20mph (w/gusting) and will ramp up to 20-30mph (with 35mph gusts) all out of the West and by later this afternoon...W-NW. Temps will just about tap the 60° mark. Tonight...clear to partly cloudy with temps in the upper 40s and breezes out of the NW at 20-25mph (and more gusting). Tomorrow...sunny, cooler and less breezy. Since posting some of my vacation photos yesterday, I failed to post a photo of my two sweet grandbabies. Part of going away was babysitting Lana and Thomas before heading home and was a perfectly sweet ending to my lovely vacation!
High tide:11:54p.m.
Low tide:6:16p.m.
Ocean temp:63°
High tide:11:54p.m.
Low tide:6:16p.m.
Ocean temp:63°
Sunday, October 28, 2018
I'm Back!
Dawn on the Cape May-Lewes Ferry |
Fill-up at Love's (our version of WaWa) |
We arrived home yesterday after a quick overnight babysitting stint at our other daughter's (near Philadelphia) to a breezy, overcast, misty, wet day with tidal storm surge flooding large portions of Wildwood. We entered through North Wildwood as Wildwood's entrance onto the island was closed due to flooding. It was way past high-tide but it still took some strategic traversing getting to my home through many flooded neighborhoods. It appears we had about 3-4" of water surrounding our home as indicated by the water line left on everything while in the midst of the storm surge that was receding from the previous high tide. As we approached my usual flooded neighborhood, it was apparent we didn't suffer any damage from the debris line and could reach home without any water stopping us. Debris from flood water and wind was everywhere (even a huge piling was wedged behind a neighbor's parked car) but for us...overall nothing a broom or hose can't fix. Lots to be thankful for once again.
For today's current weather down the's overcast, damp, drippy but quiet (no breezes to note). Ms Sun is preparing to peek in later this morning. Breezes will commence later this morning as well out of the West at 15-20mph. Temps will just barely be tapping 60° today as the sunshine tries breaking through. We should have mostly clear (partly cloudy) skies until late tonight when temps drop back into the low-mid 50s as cloud cover rolls in with a 50% chance of rain around midnight into the wee morning hours. Winds will be out of the S-SW at 10-12mph. Tomorrow...looks breezy with a mix of clouds and sun.
High Tide:10:58a.m.
Low Tide:5:23p.m.
Ocean Temp: 64°
The Path To Our Cabin
Helen, GA (Oktoberfest) |
Cheers (w/hubby) to a wonderful vacation |
Vogel State Park |
Our Daughter and Hubby (with Mr B) |
Driving above the Fog |
Wildwood Streets (upon returning yesterday) |
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Hump Day Sunshine (a bit later)
It's vacation time again as hubby and I are taking our Autumn trek down south to visit our first born and her hubby in Georgia. This trip also includes a partial vacation within a vacation as we travel from their home to a cabin in the Blue Ridge mountains for a few days to not only see the fall foliage but to take part in an Oktoberfest in a nearby small, quaint, alpine village of Helen, Georgia. We've got the lederhosen packed! Blogging's on hiatus for a least until the very end (last weekend) of October. I'll be sure to post some photos on Instagram. And, remember if you need the weather in Wildwood NJ while the blog's on standstill, your best bet for the most accurate weather is by clicking on the "Wunderground Weather" link the last link under "My Personal Favs" on my blog page and just type in our zip code...08260 in the upper right corner of their webpage and you got the daily forecast which is pretty accurate most of the time. See you on the other side!
High tide:3:11p.m.
Low tide:8:40a.m.
Ocean temp:71°
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Feeling Fallish
Mornin'! It's 57° in Wildwood NJ. It's overcast and breezy (N-NW 15-18mph). It's kind of gloomy and sinister outside. It certainly has a chill in the sea air. There's a 20% chance of a morning shower but Ms Sun does intend to check in today. Expect some blue sky showing as it'll be partly sunny / partly cloudy with temps in the low 60s and breezes out of the W-NW at 10-15mph. Tonight...mostly cloudy, upper-50s and breezes out of the West at 8-10mph. Tomorrow looks like a repeat of today.
High tide:2:18p.m.
Low tide:7:33a.m. and 8:30p.m.
Ocean temp:71°
High tide:2:18p.m.
Low tide:7:33a.m. and 8:30p.m.
Ocean temp:71°
Monday, October 15, 2018
Miserable but Terrific Monday
Mornin'! It's 62° in Wildwood NJ. It's raining lightly with stiff breezes (SW 18-28mph) which were trying to shriek into my slightly cracked opened bedroom window. It's one of those mornings that you roll over (if you're able) and pull the blanket up to your chin and fall back to sleep. Which is just what I did. I have a long history of despising Mondays but not today! Today's the best Monday that's a rainy Monday Retirement Perk at its best! That's why the blog's a bit later than usual. It's crapola outside with light rains and winds which have no intention of checking out until tomorrow. Hopefully, it's an early check-out! Temps today will get up into the low 70s again. There's an 80% chance of showers all throughout the day with thunderstorms in the mix as well. We may see the sky brightening by mid-day but not sure how much Ms Sun will expose herself. cover, rain likely (thunderstorms still possible) as temps drop to the upper 60s with SW winds at 18-28mph. Tomorrow...starting out with morning showers then what? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm thinking mostly cloudy tomorrow as 3 forecasts I checked do not match. We'll all have to wait with baited breath. For my terrific, crapola weather day...switching out summer for winter clothes and starting the packing for my upcoming trip down South!
High tide:1:27p.m.
Low tide:7:28p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
High tide:1:27p.m.
Low tide:7:28p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
Sunday, October 14, 2018
The Season Of Fantastic Sunsets and Sunrises

High tide:12:36p.m.
Low tide:6:32p.m.
Ocean temp:71°
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Presenting Autumn!!!
High tide:11:46a.m.
Low tide:5:43p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
Friday, October 12, 2018
Not So Calm After The Storm
High tide:10:58a.m.
Low tide:4:58p.m.
Ocean temp:73°
UV Index:5
Rip Currents:Moderate
Thursday, October 11, 2018
A Pretty Miserable Day On Tap
High tide:10:12a.m. and 10:32p.m.
Low tide:4:14p.m.
Ocean temp:73°
UV Index:2
Rip Currents: Moderate
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Humpday Jewel
Mornin'! It's 72° in Wildwood NJ. It's still humid (97%) with gentle offshore breezes out of the South at 3-6mph. Ms Sun's on her way (about another half hour and she'll be shining right at us from the horizon). It'll be a mostly sunny, warm day with temps in the mid-upper 70s (humidity's not going anywhere either) with breezes out of the S-SW at 6-11mph. Tonight...partly cloudy with a 50% chance of a thunderstorm or shower as temps drop just a bit to the low 70s with much stiffer winds out of the South at 15-17mph. Tomorrow and Friday look crapola with plenty of rain and winds hitting the island. The weekend's looking fairly decent albeit much cooler, fall-like weather on tap (no warmer than 60°). This Jewel of Indian Summer weather as of late is relinquishing its lovely grip of us starting tomorrow so have the sweaters ready. I'd be remiss if I ignore mentioning Hurricane Michael hitting the coast at Florida's panhandle as I type. Been there; done that and it's one of the worst feelings in the world when Mother Nature's fury has her sights on you. Prayers for all those and everything in her path today.
High tide:9:26a.m.
Low tide:3:28p.m.
Ocean temp:73°
UV Index:6
Rip Currents: Moderate.
High tide:9:26a.m.
Low tide:3:28p.m.
Ocean temp:73°
UV Index:6
Rip Currents: Moderate.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Tropical Tuesday
Mornin'! It's 71° in Wildwood NJ. It's overcast at the horizon as Ms Sun's just beginning her ascent over the early morning horizon clouds. Not much in breezes (S-SE 2-3mph). It's humid (96%). Everything's damp and drippy from the humidity. The flowers and plants are loving this tropical moisture as everything's still too beautiful to consider pruning or pulling out any of the garden flora. It'll be a warm and humid day again and almost a repeat of yesterday with temps in the mid-upper 70s, breezes out of the SE at 5-7mph and Ms Sun trying to shine through partial cloud cover. Tonight...partly cloudy, temps in the low 70s and breezes out of the S-SE at 4-6mph. Tomorrow...more of the same.
High tide:8:41a.m. and 8:58p.m.
Low tide:2:40p.m.
Ocean temp:73°
UV Index: 5-6
Rip Current: Moderate
Monday, October 8, 2018
New Moon Monday (Columbus Day Celebrated)
Mornin'! It's 73° in Wildwood NJ. It's cloudy and humid (93%) with no breezes to note. It'll pretty much be a cloudy day with minimal peeks of sun as temps hover around where they are now. The humidity isn't going anywhere as it'll be gray and sticky. The breezes will appear later this morning off the ocean (Easterly) at 9-11mph. There is a 20% chance of a spritz late this afternoon. Tonight...partly cloudy, temps in the low 70s and winds out of the E-SE at 6-9mph. Oh...the humidity's still here tonight. It's a New Moon today so expect those high tides to be even higher. Tomorrow...more of the same but not quite as cloudy.
High tide:7:55a.m. and 8:12p.m.
Low tide:1:50p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index:6
Rip Current: Moderate
High tide:7:55a.m. and 8:12p.m.
Low tide:1:50p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index:6
Rip Current: Moderate
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Mostly Sunny Sunday (once the morning clouds pass by)
Mornin'! It's 71° in Wildwood NJ. We're under partial cloud cover as there is a mass of thick clouds along the coast preventing Ms Sun from shining. It's humid out there (91%) though. There's a light breeze out of the S-SW at 6-8mph. It's all good as the "Crest Best Run Fest" is happening as all the runners and joggers are doing their 3, 5 and 10mile runs as I type. The weather is cooperating for them that's for sure. Expect a pretty nice day as it'll be mostly sunny (later this morning/early afternoon) with a sprinkling of clouds and breezes out of the S-SW at 5-7mph. Temps will be in the mid-70s. Tonight...clear with temps in the low-70s with humidity back up in the 90%. Breezes will still be out of the S-SW at 5-7mph. Tomorrow...more of the same with a bit more cloud cover. There's a New Moon on the don't forget about the high tides being higher than normal. Don't drive through corrosive, damaging tide waters in the streets.
High tide:7:05a.m. and 7:23p.m.
Low tide:12:58p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index:5
Rip Current: Moderate
High tide:7:05a.m. and 7:23p.m.
Low tide:12:58p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index:5
Rip Current: Moderate
Saturday, October 6, 2018
The Sun Will Be Only Peeking In Today
High tide:6:30p.m.
Low tide:12:04p.m.
Ocean temp:72°
Sunset: 6:37p.m.
UV Index:5
Rip Currents:Moderate
Friday, October 5, 2018
Mornin'! It's 70° in Wildwood NJ. Ms Sun's trying so hard to shine through that cloud cover along the horizon. The rest of the island's got some blue sky showing and no doubt we're going to have some morning sunshine. It's a bit breezy...N-NW at 12-14mph. It's a little humid (80%). There's a 40% chance of rain showers today beginning a little later this morning as complete cloud cover is due to check in today. Temps will stay right about where they are now throughout the day and will drop to about 67° by tonight when all that thick cloud cover begins to check out. Breezes will be out of the E-NE at 9-12mph tonight. The weekend's still looking pretty good but tomorrow's going to have clouds in the mix (one forecast mentioned a chance of morning drizzles but not one other forecast mentioned rain this weekend). We might see some showers/drizzles today though.
High tide:5:36p.m.
Low tide:11:06a.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index:3-4
Rip Current: Moderate
High tide:5:36p.m.
Low tide:11:06a.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index:3-4
Rip Current: Moderate
Thursday, October 4, 2018
More Sparkle From The Jewel
Mornin'! It's 71° in Wildwood NJ. It's a bit cloudy but quiet and still (no breezes to note). It's early, still dark outside as Ms Sun isn't due over the horizon for about another half hour. We may miss the sunrise with this morning's cloud cover. It'll be another jewel-like day with plenty of sunshine and temps in the mid-upper 70s as breezes will be out of the South at 7-11mph eventually. Tonight...more clouds filter back in with temps in the upper 60s and breezes out of the W-SW at 8-10mph with a 40% chance of a shower later tonight into the overnight. Tomorrow's looking mostly cloudy and breezy but the weekend's still looking blue-sky sunny albeit cooler (sweater weather's on tap this weekend).
High tide:4:25p.m.
Low tide:10:04a.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index: 6
Rip Currents: Moderate
High tide:4:25p.m.
Low tide:10:04a.m.
Ocean temp:72°
UV Index: 6
Rip Currents: Moderate
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
The "Hits" Keep Coming!
Mornin'! It's 71° in Wildwood NJ. Another lovely day ahead! It's sunny and still (no breezes to note) and feels a little warmish as the humidity is 86%. It'll be another great weather day with eventually lower humidity, plenty of sunshine and temps in the mid-upper 70s with breezes out of the W-NW at 9-11mph. Tonight...mostly clear with temps in the mid-60s and N-NW breezes at 4-5mph. Tomorrow...more of the same. At this time, it looks like it'll be another nice weekend up ahead too.
High tide:3:17p.m.
Low tide:8:52a.m.
Ocean temp:74°
UV Index: 6
Rip Current: Moderate
High tide:3:17p.m.
Low tide:8:52a.m.
Ocean temp:74°
UV Index: 6
Rip Current: Moderate
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
The Jewel Is Sparkling
High tide:2:11p.m.
Low tide:7:32a.m.
Ocean temp:74°
UV Index:6
Rip Currents: Moderate
Monday, October 1, 2018
Great To See You Again October!
High tide:1:08p.m.
Low tide:6:24a.m. and 7:32p.m.
Ocean temp:74°
UV Index:6
Rip currents:Moderate
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