Mornin'! It's 29° in Wildwood. The island's currently under partially cloudy skies. The moon and the stars were visible through the breaks in the clouds even in the early morning darkness. Not much in the breeze department. It looks like a somewhat nice one as the sun's supposed to make her presence known in just over an hour (if the clouds stay the way they are, it'll make for a beautiful sunrise) and stick around all day making for a mix of cloudy and sunny day ahead. It'll be calm as the breezes are drifting in from the W-SW and will shift to just the West all at 5-10mph. It's the beginning of Kwanzaa today and was established as a means to help African Americans reconnect with
their African cultural and historical heritage by uniting in meditation
and study of African traditions and
Nguzu Saba, the "seven principles of African Heritage". It begins today through Jan 1st. Oh...it's also Boxing Day celebrated on December 26, the day after Christmas, and is celebrated in
Great Britain and in most areas settled by the English (the U.S. is the
major exception), including Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.. Whatever the day, it'll be a decent day to try out that new Christmas bicycle!
High tide:1:51p.m.
Low tide:7:54a.m.
Ocean temp:43°