Mornin'! It's 46° in Wildwood NJ. It's cloudy with a light, fragrant (briny) breeze out of the E-SE at 9-11mph. I can hear the ocean waves crashing in the early darkness from 6+ blocks away. Thick cloud cover does that while insulating the island making the ocean's presence known. It almost sounds like a highway nearby full of rush hour traffic (which no doubt is happening in the big city). There is no highway here.
Expect a crapola day with rain showers early evolving into a steady rain by the afternoon. Scratch that... forget the "crapola" as it's a perfect day for cookie baking, gift wrapping, Christmas decorating, card writing, homemade soup prep, curled up with a good book or movie and perhaps a nap. Anything you can think of that's inside looking out. On the other hand, going to the seawall and watching the ocean displaying its angry side (perhaps even at High Tide) is always fun and adventurous. Prepare accordingly for that (raingear).
While raining today, temps will be in the low-50s with Easterly winds at 10-15mph. The chance of on and off rain is 70% today. Tonight... more rain (100% chance) with temps hovering right around 50° and E-SE winds at 10-15mph. Since the moon was full yesterday and heavy rainfall is possible later as well as tonight, we could experience a bit of tidal flooding. Be aware of the high tides and flooded low-lying areas and don't drive through floodwaters (it's damaging saltwater). Tomorrow... off and on rain showers through to the late afternoon as the winds will pick up tomorrow evening. Sunday... mostly clear and very windy feeling much colder than the projected mid-40s. 8 days until the Winter Solstice!
High tide: 8:12AM and 8:49PM
Low tide: 2:42PM
Ocean temp: 46°
Sunrise: 7:08PM
Sunset: 4:39PM