Today's Webcam Photo - find the Surfer |
Mornin'! It's 60 years ago today that President Kennedy (our 35th President) was assassinated around 12:30pm. It was a day I'll always remember. I was in 7th grade and the announcement came over the school intercom as my teacher Sister Augusta screamed out and began crying which seemed almost more shocking. School was immediately let out and when I walked into my home, my Mom was sitting in front of the television crying hysterically. What a day that was. Or better yet, what a week that was. I can only compare it to all those really big tragedies in our lives.
It's 54° in soggy Wildwood NJ. It's gray and damp as we've been nicely watered yesterday and especially the overnight. Winds have simmered down and are out of the W-NW at 10-13mph. It rained hard all night long. And, I mean hard. It made sleeping almost impossible with the pounding torrents. It's all good now as there's no damage from the high water or intense winds. It's going to be cloudy at least until after mid-day. Then, Ms Sun's going to begin peeking through the cloud clover. There's a slight chance of a rain shower today (15% chance) with temps in the upper 50s and W-NW winds at 10-20mph. Tonight... partly cloudy, then becoming cloudy with temps in the low-40s and winds out of the NW at 10-20mph. Tomorrow... mainly sunny, temps in the low-50s with W-NW winds at 10-20mph. Friday... partly cloudy, temps around 50°, NW winds at 5-10mph. Saturday... partly cloudy, temps around 42° and Sunday... cloudy with rain after mid-day with temps around 50°. Today is known as "Blackout Wednesday" due to the spike in alcohol sales and it's historically the night to meet up with friends and family and begin imbibing and celebrating. I'm just mentioning it; not taking part as I have a delicious, holiday dinner with family to look forward to tomorrow. If you're traveling today/tonight and not drinking... be careful out there and safe travels!
High Tide: 3:46PM
Low Tide: 9:43AM
Ocean Temps: 57°
Sunrise: 6:50AM
Sunset: 4:40PM