Monday, July 12, 2010

Dog Days of Summer (thanks Jim)

Mornin'! It's hot in WW. 70 degrees even before the sunrise. The temps will rise to 87-89 on the island today. Southwest breeze at 5mph. High tide is 8:30 this morning and ocean temperature is get this...80 degrees. That's a fact. I was in the ocean yesterday...warm; very very warm.
The dog days of summer, the sultriest time of the year, have undoubtedly arrived.
Some believe that the wicked, mid-summer heat drives dogs mad, hence the expression. But as every pet owner knows, prolonged heat waves do just the opposite. The poor pups pant listlessly in the darkest corners of our homes, hardly lifting a paw.
In fact, the expression has little to do with our canine friends. The dog days (or the dog days of summer) correspond with the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star. In the northern hemisphere, the dog days now fall from July 3 to August 11.
The star Sirius, which means “scorching,” is the brightest star. The ancients believed that Sirius contributed heat to the sun, thus making it the most blistering time of the year.
The dog days were also believed to influence people’s behavior. Feeling tired and listless? Do the dog days have you dragging your feet? Are the plants in your garden wilting? Do as the ancients did. Wait for nightfall and then shake your fist at Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.


Henry H. Turtle said...

Are you "serious"? What the hell are you going on about? Pls stop with the paragraph returns. One big parag works just fine, thank u.

Jim Anders said...

Who you calling a Dog?
Arf-fully yours,