Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunny Sunday

Mornin'! Rain is outta here and Sun's back in full form this 73 degree, slightly breezy morning. I can hear the roosters loud and clear while the Beatles are singing "Good Morning" on my ITunes. (by the way, if you log on any KeyWest Webcam in the early hear the roosters live cockedoodle-doling to each other!) But back to our island...WW is currently 73 degrees and will be sunny and warm today. It's going to be less humid but still warm as we head back into the high 80's and may even hit 90 today. NW breeze at 8-10mph is blowing the trees. High tide is 8A.M. this morning and the ocean temp is 76 crisp degrees. Perfect beach day to me. Sounds like something to cockedoodle-do about!

1 comment:

Jim Anders said...

My intended wry comment about getting up earlier than you has been successfully sabotaged. Weather "word" is in my e-mail. Posted 8:16AM/