Happy Sunday! It's 28 degrees in Wildwood. Feels alot colder due to the 10 inches of snow laying on the island. I missed the storm except for the first hour and a half. It began snowing Saturday morning around 10 a.m. as I was getting ready to leave town overnight. Arriving back home Sunday wasn't too shocking as I did see the Sunday morning newcast and Wildwood had the most accumulation. Even still, it's a bright blue sky kind of day with sun shinging brightly. Once the shoveling began, the path to the hot tub was priority! Should be a nice evening.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday Winter Storm
First, I want to say that I made "The Dipper's" website! If you click on "Dippin Dan Weather Forecast Man" on my blog, look right and there's my photo of the Delaware Bay frozen over from last month!! I submitted it last week and it looks like I made the grade. How good is that? So, the weather's about the same as yesterday...still got the full moon going on; starting out today at 19 degrees and going up to 28. Winds aren't a major factor this morning as there's not much of a breeze. The only thing that will be different is the moisture heading our way from the south. The Cape will be the first receiving snow as it's arriving today about mid-afternoon. The Dipper is saying a dusting in Wildwood (Lower Township). Other forecasts I've checked out are saying anywhere from 2-6 inches. So, it remains to be seen. Yesterday before sundown, I did capture a shot of the "Wolf Moon" on the beach at North Wildwood. It was difficult to capture on camera, but if you look closely, you can see the Ol' Man in the Moon. It was awesome.
Friday, January 29, 2010
A Winter's Moon Rise
Full Moon. Chilly temps out there too. It's currently 19 in Wildwood. But, it's going up to a high of 28 later today. Sun's out and the winds have diminished. Those 40mph gusts last night brought the cold blast.
And, it looks like the frigid air is here for awhile. As for that Full Moon...tonight's Moon is the "Wolf Moon" and it's called that since it's the 1st full moon of the year. Tonight's moon will be the biggest and brightest full moon of the entire year. If your sky is clear, you'll have an opportunity to identify the features on the moon easily. Tonight it will be about 14% wider and 30% brighter than the other full moons of the year. As a bonus...Mars will be just to the left of the moon tonight. Look for the reddish, star-like object. Sounds like a hot tub night to me:)

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Nice Winter's Morn
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunny Hump Day
Blue skies prevail again today. Cold but a nice winter's day. Not a cloud in the sky or any breezes to speak of. It's currently 35 degrees in Wildwood and is expected to reach the mid-to-upper 40's this afternoon. Watching a storm approaching this way for Saturday...more to come.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sun's back!
It's 40 degrees and only 8am. Now that's feeling a sneak preview of a change in the season. Not a cloud in the sky today along the coast. It's supposed to hit 50 today. Now the Dipper is predicting winds and clouds later today but, hey...right now it's quiet, calm and sunny. A bit of the sea smell in the air too. It's a perfect winter day!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wet Sand Blasting
How's 50mph gusts of wind sound? Like some cat squealing through my closed office window that's how! It's freaking windy today. You can just about open your car door. Trash, trashcan lids abound through the island's streets. Now, lets talk about the rain...it's not raining hard but in combination with those island winds...wet sand blasting on everything the winds hit. One good thing about this forecast...it's almost in the mid 50's...so thankfully, it's not cold. I guess one must be grateful for no freeze or no floods. But, it's still a really tough day to tolerate. Footnote: Late morning brought a major storm. Heavy torrential rains and wind gusts hit 70mph! It's now 2:30pm and the weather is-a-changing again. We're completely socked in dense fog. The air is much chillier. Not freezing, but very cold. The fog is brightening with each passing minute as the gray fog is becoming brighter and brighter. The sun is apparently trying its best of showing itself. The winds have stopped too. Extremely diverse weather day.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Kinda Gray
Thickening clouds and increasingly breezy and mild, with highs approaching 50 by afternoon, thanks to a southeast breeze around 15-20mph later in the day. Some rain is possible towards evening, but most will hold off until after sunset. (cut and pasted from The Dipper's Forecast).
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sun's back!
Even though it's in the 20's, the temperature will go up into the mid-40's today. Even though the sea and sky were similar in color yesterday (gray, except for a few shades), they'll be back to their usual colors...vivid sky blue and dark emerald green today. No winds today thankfully. Looking good for a mid-winter's day! Soups up! Happy Saturday.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Today's a creepy day. 39 degrees and 35-40mph winds with no sun anywhere to be had. It's cold and blustery and the winter chill goes right through you. Brrrrr! It wouldn't be so creepy with the day off, new soft flannel pj's, warm slippers, fireplace on, hot tea, and a good book. It's not happening though as this work day is inevitable. TGIF!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Looking good!
Sun's-a-blazing this winter's morn. Thankfully...because if it's wasn't it would be freezing. Had to scrape ice off the auto this morning before work and the temp is 30 degrees right along the coast. It's actually colder on the mainland. There's no breeze and the sun will certainly make if feel much like yesterday and the day before...a comfortable winter day. You can almost feel a touch of the next season!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hump day is here again!
The Dipper had it wrong so far today...it wasn't clear and mild at all this morning like he predicted. Freezing rain was descending upon us here on the island early this morning and a frosty snow/mix had to be cleared from the car before heading to work. Temperature on the outside thermometer said 32 degrees. It's supposed to turn out like yesterday...in the 50's and sunny. At 9:30 this morning it's looking clearer and brighter so today's mild weather is still in the making and The Dipper's forecast remains to be seen! By the way, The Dipper dipped 18 times and schlopped 7 during last night's forecast. It's now after lunch and I just wanted to add that today is turning out like the Dipper predicted...mild, sunny in the 50's and just another nice winter's day. Blue skies at the Seashore.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Nice One!
It's another beautiful winters today. Sunny and close to 50 degrees. Warm sitting in the car during lunch hour. Dozed off to the sounds of the sea as the car window was cracked. Love days like these.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Martin Luther King Day
Chilly in Wildwood this morning. Gray, damp and 39 degrees. Had some major thunderstorms last night, but all is well...no flooding or lightning hits. Took a walk on the boards this afternoon and it was 52 degrees with warm sun and not too much of a breeze. Very nice afternoon. 60 days until Spring!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wildwood Polar Plunge Day!
Just getting ready to hit the beach and watch the
plungers. Looking pretty good out there considering it's mid-winter. It's a sunny balmy 48 degrees and the ocean temp is 39. It'll be an hour or so away from low tide so there will be a bit more beach to run. Pictures coming...
So, it wasn't as cold as last year's. There was no need to move ice or snow with the front end loaders like last year and the shore line was clear and ready for ocean entry. There was a stiff breeze though today. Had a bit of an ear ache from the cold. Imagine the Plungers ears? Something to behold. Never ceases to amaze. These folk have big ones. I told as many as I could "thank you" for their courage and fund raising abilities! Just amazing.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Still thawing on Martin Luther King's Birthday
Going to be another day like before. Yesterday that is...sunny, mild, wind-free and temperatures in the mid to upper 40's! There's still ice on the Harbors and backbays, but that warm sun is doing the trick and making the Shore feel much nicer than that bitter Artic feel we've been experiencing as of late. It's high tide as I type this morning at 7:15a.m. TOMORROW: THE POLAR PLUNGE! Tomorrow's weather may make it a hat trick...not to mention the ocean temp is in the 30's...keep tuned in.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
A Bit of a Thaw
Happy Birthday to Sis. And, 2 more days until the Wildwood Polar Plunge. It's looking nice though today as winter days go. It's currently still in the 20's (29 degrees to be exact) but the sun's shining and feels warm and the temperature is rising to 39 degrees and may even hit 40 today. Not much of a breeze either so it's feeling significantly milder. Very nice day at the shore today.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hump Day Wednesday
Delaware Bay at High's Beach
This week's passing us by rather quickly. It looks like we're going to see some peeks of sun today. It won't be as cloudy and drab as yesterday. The best part is...the temperature is going to hit 40 degrees! Almost sounds pleasant. I'm focused on Friday (a day off from work for me) as it might hit 50! We're talking balmy not to mention...the Bay could be making some noise as it moves while doing some thawing.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
High's Beach - A frozen Delaware Bay
Monday, January 11, 2010
Week two January at the new Cattle Shoot in North Wildwood
It's 26 degrees today. Sunny, bright, brisk and not much of a breeze. When the breeze blows...12 degrees. I'm counting down...5 days until the Wildwood Polar Plunge! I'll be there. 67 days until Spring. God willing, I'll be there too!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sundays Walk
Enjoyed a nice walk on the Boards today. Sunny, pleasant...until the wind blasted you with each side -street you crossed. Just the same...a nice walk. It's blue sky, 27 degrees with chill factor of 16. The Boardwalk is once again under construction. This time the boardwalk's been removed from Cedar to Oak Aves. I could almost feel the July crowds stamping on the soon-to-be new structure! Amazing when you're the only one on the Boardwalk.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Saturday Walk on the Wall
Great winter day at the Shore. 28 Degrees and feels like 18 when the wind hits you. It may feel bitter cold at times but walking the Wall was bearable. Amazing to see the pond in North Wildwood beginning to freeze and the rock formations holding on to the snowfall from yesterday. Oh...and an interesting new view of the Hereford Lighthouse!
Friday, January 8, 2010
1st snow of 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Freezing, Sunny Thursday
So yet another freezing bitter day begins. Temperature is 30 degrees and feels like 20 when the ocean breeze kicks in now and then. Thankfully the sun's shining brightly and will shine all day today. It feels nice. Tonight...a different story. The snow is coming. Snow flurries will begin this evening and continue snowing throughout the night into tomorrow afternoon. We may get some accumulation. I'll be keeping a close watch. It's pretty neat here on the island when it's this consistently cold. For one, the Harbor's ice continues to grow wider into the bay and thicker and whiter and chunkier along the shoreline. The tides create their own ice sculptures along the shore as they try to ebb and flow. Also, the streets along the curbs which fill and empty with tide water every day have a foot or more of ice along all the street curbs which is going nowhere due to the cold temps. Some streets in Wildwood have some tough parking issues due to the ice that remains. 71 days until Spring.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Flurrying Hump Day
The drive to work was uneventful. Still very cold though. Car never warmed up. 29 degrees with gray skies and flurries all around. The Harbor ice is gettin' thicker. Those flurries are beginning to lay on the ground surface as mid-morning approaches. Side streets are looking a bit slick. Very cold winter this year. 72 days until Spring.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Tuesday January 5th
Winter's out there again today. This keyboard is freezing. The winds are still biting. It's 27 degrees with a 15 degree chill factor. Hate those factors. Here's a fact...there's 73 days until Spring. Here's another...the Harbor's staying frozen. Downright cold on the island.
Monday, January 4, 2010
back to the grind Monday
Somewhat nice today. The sun's pouring in the office window and feels warm. The horrific winds have subsided. It's still pretty blustery though as the gusts are 20mph. Temperature is 29 degrees but feels like 17. Harbor's still frozen and that thin layer of ice is thickening. Looks like winter is showing its true colors for now. If only we had one unseasonably warm day!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Sunny Sunday
I'm not saying much today. Sun's out. It's freezing. And the MF WINDS are creating havoc.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Day after New Year's
Sunny, cold and blustery today along the Wildwood, NJ shore. Winds are sustained 15-20mph and gusts are up to 40mph at times creating a wintry blast and making the 31 degree temperature feel like 16 degrees. The sun's up though as the winds roar. The harbors got that thin layer of ice on it again! It's gonna be tough on Chrissy who's getting married later today if the winds don't subside. Brrrr...
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year's Day
Happy New Year. The weather here on the island is blah. A bit how I'm feeling after reveling last night. It's gray and dampish outside. Mild though. Not cold or blustery. I still would have no desire to be running in the ocean as some are today in OceanCity, NJ in honor of marking "First Day". These small shore towns take pride in their plunges and I intend to keep tabs on that as Wildwood's plunge is on January 16th 2010. These plunges can be seriously intense due to the icy, frigid weather. Not today though...not too bad for the not so faint at heart. It's 41 degrees...the question is what's the ocean temperature...how about 39 degrees!
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