Sing it with me now...Who's tripping down the streets of the city? Smiling at everybody she sees. Who's reaching out to capture a moment? Everyone knows it's Windy! We still have a snowicane and advisories in the Woods this morning as the west winds are evident. Temperature in WW is currently 26 degrees but with the 30mph winds (45mph gusts) it feels like 9 degrees. It's been snow-blowing all night long but nothing significant is accumulating on the ground. There's minimal drifting of only inches (1-2 inches in spots). I'm just amazed that we have power. Those new electric poles and lines are withstanding this challenge. For today...gray and continued snow showers with temperatures in the mid to upper 30's as Windy takes her leave by this afternoon. The winds will continue and slowly decrease. Just a sign of March peeking in and showing its ugly self.
Everyone knows its Windy?? Why don't you just write... "Everyone knows I'm WIFTY"?!!!
I posted my weather comment and then logged on to your blog- curious about power in Wildwood. Funny that the best word we both could find to describe the conditions- ugly :)
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