Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Farewell February...Time to Say Goodbye!

Mornin'! Happy Leap Year! Won't see February 29th again until 2016! It's 42° this morning as lightness begins to develop over the island. It's clear and quiet except for the sound of the surf and the music I'm playing...Andreá Bocelli's Con Te Partiro in honor the February bowing out. It'll be mostly gray and a bit dreary though as the clouds will soon be moving in but peeks of brightness and possibly breaks of sun will be hanging around at least until midday when those clouds really thicken and the rain begins. By evening, the steadiest, heavier rains will begin and we may even see a thunderstorm. Temps will rise into the low-50's. Winds will begin this morning out of the S-SE at 10-15mph; then shift from the South a bit stronger at 20-25mph; then end up this evening from the S-SW at 10-15mph. Tides: High: 1:23p.m. Low: 7:04p.m.; Ocean temp:46°; Sunset:5:53p.m.; 20 days until the first day of Spring!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Morning'! It's 41° this morning in Wildwood. Breezes are out of the NW at 10-15mph and will stay there all day. Sky is clear and pale blue/gray as the horizon's darkness is turning into colorful pastel shades. It'll be mostly sunny today with temps staying in the high 40's and perhaps just tapping on the 50° mark. As the day moves along into the evening, clouds will increase and by overnight make way for rain early tomorrow bringing along with it a weak coldfront. In other words...tomorrow's looking like crap so enjoy today. You in the moment. High tide:11:30a.m.; Low tide:5:30p.m.; Ocean temp:47°; Sunset:5:52p.m. 21 days until Spring!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blue Sky Monday

Mornin'! It's 41° in Wildwood this early morn. Sun's on its way and will be checked in today. It'll be sunny and mild with temps going into the mid-upper 50's. Winds will be blowing in from the S-SW at 10-15mph all throughout the day right into the evening. Looking like a nice one. High tide: 10:46a.m.; Low tide:4:49p.m.; Ocean temp:47°; Sunset:5:51p.m.; 22 days until Spring!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Mornin'! It's 33° in Wildwood. Sun's just about over the golden horizon. The sky is beginning to brighten as it was just clear and starlit less than an hour ago as it's now turning shades of pale blue. The best part of this morning is it's quiet, yet I hear the birds chirping happily. The winds are gone and the house has stopped shaking. Those brutal March winds gave us a mighty sneak preview yesterday. At the moment we've got a more normal breeze happening. The winds are now out of the NW at 15-20mph and will switch just a bit out of the W-NW at 10-12mph by this afternoon. It'll be mostly sunny all day today as temps reach the mid-40's. High tide:10:06a.m.; Low tide:4:13p.m.; Ocean temp:47°; Sunset:5:52p.m. 23 days until Spring!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gale Warnings Are Still In Effect

Mornin'! It's 40° and noisy outside as winds are howling. They're coming from the West at 20-25mph with 35+mph gusts. Gale warnings are still in effect. Temps won't get much higher than the mid-upper 40's as it'll be mostly sunny and feel really cold today. Not a great situation for the Leprechaun Leapers who are jumping into the Sea today. That blowing, biting sand isn't gonna fare well on wet, unclothed bodies. Ouch! Good luck out there! Tides...High:9:29a.m.; Low:3:39p.m.; Ocean temp:47°; Sunset:5:49p.m.

Friday, February 24, 2012

TGIF~Gales are heading back!

Mornin'! It's 53° this early Friday morn. At the moment, it's dry and mild but things-are-a-changing. It'll be mostly cloudy and dreary throughout the day as temperatures will be unseasonably mild rising into the mid 60's today. I have to mention that it could have a "raw" feel to it as well since we are on an island and the dampness and breezes could make it feel like "sweater weather". All day right into this evening there will be a 40% chance of scattered thunderstorms along with Winds out of the SW at 20-30mph gusting at 40+mph. Oh...I meant to mention the Gales...gale warnings are out today and 9'-10' surf by dinner time! Big weather Friday. TGIF btw. Tomorrow...for the know who you're being forewarned...even though the sun's returning for your run into the winter ocean, the Winds aren't going anywhere. Today's tides...High:8:52a.m.; Low:3:05p.m.; Ocean temp:46°; Sunset:5:47p.m.; 26 days until Spring!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Warm Up Continues

Mornin'! It's 50° this early morn in WW. Temps are heading back up again today and hitting the 60° mark as the warm up continues. Spring is in the air at the Shore. There will be a mix of clouds and sun as temps rise along with winds that can't seem to make up their mind today. This morning the winds will be blowing in from the W-SW, then by this afternoon...N-NW, then by late afternoon/early evening...the big shift as the SE seabreeze kicks in; all the while at 10-20mph not to mention some heavy duty gusting. Tides today...High:8:15a.m.; Low:2:30p.m.; Ocean temp:46°; Sunset:5:46p.m.; 27 days until Spring although today is certainly a sneak preview! Enjoy as rains are checking in tomorrow and Saturday...brrrrr. I'm just saying.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lenten Hump Day

Mornin'! It's the first day of Lent as Wildwood is 45° and the clear starlit sky turns light and pale bluish-gray. It's amazing that the temperature is a degree colder than the 46° ocean! The horizon's beginning to brighten and turn shades of coral and gold. It's looking like a winter beauty at the Shore as the warming trend continues through Friday. Temps may hit the 60° mark. There's barely a breeze at the moment, but it'll wift (oops, I mean waft) in later this morning. First, from the West, then the SW, then the S-SW all around 15-20mph with minor gusting. For the next plunge into the winter ocean on Saturday, the Leapers at the Leprechan Leap in North Wildwood will be facing much more wintry weather I'm sorry to say as temps go back to the 40's this weekend along with some 30+mph winds. Now that's a nipply chill factor. You could offer it up for Lent. I'm just saying. Today's tides...High:7:37a.m.; Low:1:53p.m.; Ocean temp: 46°; Sunset:5:45p.m. 27 days until Spring!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shrove Tuesday. Pancake Day. Faschnaut Day. Doughnut Day.

Mornin'! It's 27° and clear in Wildwood. Stars are out as the darkness still abounds. You's always darkest before the dawn. It'll be nice for getting the doughnuts today. Temperature will reach highs in the upper 40s and maybe hitting the 50° mark. It'll be sunny to start as clouds enter the scene and increase as the day turns into night. 20% chance of sprinkles by this evening. And, I'm not talking donut embellishments. Winds will have a role in today's weather coming out of the SE first then the South at 15-20mph with some gusts. High tide: 1:14p.m.; Low tide:6:57a.m.; Ocean temp: 46°; Sunset:5:44p.m. 28 days until Spring. Last day before Lent. Haven't decided what I'm giving up, although there's a decent list I could choose from.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A "Bit" of This and That on President's Day

Mornin'! It's 39° this noisy morning in Wildwood. The winds are creating a bit of noisy havoc outside. Sounds cold and blustery out there while I enjoy quiet warmth of my home and blog away. It'll be a bit on the sunny side today as clouds will be part of the blue sky today. It'll be a bit blustery with Winds out of the North at 15-20mph with gusting of up to 30+mph. It'll be a bit chilly as the temps won't get much higher than the mid-40's. High tide:6:39p.m.; Low tide:12:32p.m.; Ocean Temp: 47°; Sunset:5:43p.m. 29days until Spring!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Gray Sunday (these photos are color)

Mornin'! It's 36° this grayish, quiet Sunday morning. Sun's up but obscured by clouds. The sound of the ocean though...loud and clear. Chilly breezes are out of the N-NE and will switch to just NE a little later at 15-20mph with some gusting. Temperatures won't get any higher than the mid-40's. By this evening...moisture falling from the sky. Some forecasters are saying it's just going to be rain showers over the island and others are saying flurries and yet others...a wintry mix. All accumulations...possibly a dusting, but whatever the clouds bring, it'll be wet and raw and cold tonight. Bring in some firewood for cozying later. High tide: 5:53p.m.; Low tide: 11:47a.m.; Ocean temp: 46°; Sunset (probably won't see one tonight):5:42p.m.; 30 days until Spring!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mornin'! It's 38° this sunny start of Saturday at the Shore. It's clear and cold and still as Miss Sun just crossed the horizon. She'll stick around most of the day as temps rise back into the mid-upper 50's again making for another glorious day in WW with a tiny, sneak peek of Spring much like yesterday. Enjoy it as Sunday will be colder and by early evening could have a wintry mix. I'd like to type "wtf" to that but I'll hold back. SW winds will be out there as well at 10-15mph. High tide: 5:02p.m.; Low tide:10:56a.m.; Ocean temp: 46° (should be 36° this time of year) and Sunset: 5:41p.m. 31 days until Spring!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Foggy, damp start

Mornin'! It's 43° in Wildwood this morning. Soup's on (I should be saying "Pizza's Up") as the Fog's in. The island's currently socked in with dense fog at the moment. All that mist and San Fran feel will diminish as the sun rises and begins burning off the moisture. It'll be sunny and dry today with temps mild and in the mid 50's. NW winds are checked in at 10-20mph so it will be breezy when you're picking up pie at Sam's Pizza later. The weekend's looking partly nice as tomorrow's a repeat of today but Sunday's looking wet and wintry. High tide:4:38p.m.; Low tide:10:33a.m.; Ocean temp: 46°; Sunset:5:40p.m.; 32 days until Spring!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I'd call it "Dismal"

Mornin'! It's 30° and heading to upper 40s° today in Wildwood. Don't get too excited as a light rain will be developing making for a chilly, damp, dark, dismal, miserable afternoon and evening...80% chance. Thickening clouds begin this morning with a Southerly breeze at 10-12mph. High tide:2:55p.m.; Low tide:8:53a.m.; Ocean temp: 46°; Sunset: 5:39p.m. Tomorrow (Sam's Pizza opening day) and Saturday are looking sunny and bright and warmish. Not so much for Sunday. 33 days until Spring!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hump Day

Mornin'! It's 43° this morning. Forecasters are saying temps will stay in the 40's...with the slight chance of the thermometer hitting 50°. There will be clouds in the mix today but it's looking mostly sunny. Winds (N-NW) will be 10-15mph. High tide:1:39p.m.; Low tide:7:42a.m.; Ocean temp:46°; Sunset:5:38p.m. 34 days until Spring.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Still Cold

Mornin'! Winter's still checked it's 27° in Wildwood this early morning. Sun's due up in just over an hour. It'll be sunny to start as the temps climb up near 40°. The Winds will be hanging around a bit from the W-NW at 20mph with some minor gusting. They'll switch up by this afternoon coming out of the West when the clouds will filter in and make a more cloudy than sunny afternoon. Should feel alot better than yesterday's bitter wintry feel though. High tide: 11:21a.m.; Low tide:5:40p.m.; Ocean temp: 47°; Sunset: 5:35p.m. Spring's just around the corner although Spring in Wildwood can be just plain annoying. It remains to be seen...36 more days!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Frigid Sunny Sunday

Mornin'! It's 22° in Wildwood. Snow is covering the ground. Ice is covering the snow. It's freezing this morning. The sun is shining and making everything glisten. Winds are blowing out of the NW at 30+ mph (gusting at 40mph) making for a crisp, bitter windchill in the teens. We're talking a true winter morn at the Shore. Hopefully things will melt a bit today with all that sunshine we're going to have. But, I'd still be watching the icy spots that just look ice! High tide:10:26a.m.; Low tide:4:46p.m.; Ocean Temp: 46°; Sunset: 5:34p.m. 37 days until Spring!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Homemade Soup Saturday!

Mornin'! It's 39° this chilly, dark and rainy Wildwood morn. Daybreak (notice I didn't say "sunrise") is due in less than a ½ hour. The sky is lightening as I blog but the sky looks ominous and gray. Temps will rise just a bit into the low-40's as today brings a mix of weather. We'll have scattered showers to start and as the afternoon approaches...a wintry mix as the snow showers are due in. Steadier snow showers (causing some slushy accumulation) will arrive by early evening as the temps drop into the 20's. Then, you guessed it...icy conditions will be prevelant all throughout the night. Take heed if you're out and about navigating the challenging roads and streets. Tomorrow's looking brighter and sunnier, but cold and blustery. The winds are currently from the N-NE but will be shifting shortly (say that fast 5 times) this early afternoon from the N-NW (15-20mph ) bringing with it gale warnings and gusting of 30+mph. High tide:9:37a.m.; Low tide:3:57p.m.; Ocean temp: 45°; Sunset: 5:33p.m. The beans are soaking for the homemade Navy Bean Soup I'll be throwing together today. 38 days until Spring!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wrapping up the week with a "Nice One"

Mornin'! It's 35° under clear, moonlit morning skies. Sun's due up in about an hour. Wouldn't be surprised if it were "redsky in the morning" as not one, but two weather systems are on a collision course over the island beginning tonight. Even though Wildwood's wrapping up the week with a sunny, dry, mild day, the weekend's looking just the opposite. Today temps will be near 50° with SW winds wifting (oops...I mean wafting) in at 10-15mph. By tonight...90% chance of rain as the winds will be bringing the outter edge of that above mentioned weather system that will be checked in until Sunday morning. It'll be a rain event for WW, but could turn into a wintry mix by Saturday night when the temperature begins dropping. Sunday will be sunny albeit very windy (40mph gusts) and much colder. We're good to go today though...another nice day at the Shore! (that is until tonight) High tide: 8:51a.m.; Low tide:3:12p.m.; Ocean temp: 46°; Sunset: 5:32p.m.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Abundant Sun

Mornin'! It's 35° in Wildwood. Last night's rain event (never saw the white stuff) is outta here. Wildwood will have abundant sun today as the morning clouds will be clearing out and the sun will be crossing the horizon. Could make for another glorious sunrise. Temps will be in the mid-upper 40's. Winds will be coming from the NW at 10-15mph. It'll be a nice winters day at the Shore today and tomorrow for that matter. Not looking so for Saturday though as I'm thinking homemade soup for the cold, wet weekend. Today's tides: High: 8:08a.m.; Low: 2:50p.m.; Ocean temp: 45°; Sunset: 5:31p.m. 40 days until Spring! One week until Sam's Pizza opens! Now that's the 1st sign of life at the Shore!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Winter's due in today

Mornin'! It's 36° with a hazy, dark, reddish sky in this early morning. And, you know what they say about "red sky in the morning"..."sailors take warning"! Sunrise is due in less than an hour. Winter's checking back in today and it's packed some moisture in the overnight bag. It'll be overcast and cloudy today with a 90% chance of rain and/or wintry mix heading our way by later this afternoon. Temperature will reach the mid 40's but will be dropping into the 30's by evening. The island could just see a rain event due to that warmish ocean (still 46°) instead of the white stuff. But, we could get a dusting of snow. I'm just saying. Winds won't be able to make up their minds as they begin shifting around beginning out of the N-NE; then shifting from the E-NE; then by evening...from the North; all at 10-15mph. High tide:7:27a.m.; Low tide:1:49p.m.; Ocean temp: 46°; Sunset:5:30p.m. 41 days until Spring!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mornin'! It's 38° with a clear, moonlit sky. It's "full moon" day and will be greeting the evening later at 5:33p.m. when it's crossing the horizon. Today...pretty much a cut & paste of yesterday. Sunny, mild temps (mid-50's), NW breezes at 10-15mph, and just another lovely winter's day at the Shore. I know I'll be enjoying it. High tide:6:16a.m.; Low tide:1:10p.m.; Ocean temp:47°; Sunset: 5:28p.m. (almost coinciding with the moonrise!)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Plentiful Sunshine along with some Moonshine!

Mornin'! It's 27° this dark, brisk morn at the Shore. Temps are heading into the 50's again as the sun will be shining brightly all throughout today. Winds are currently out of the West at 10-15mph and will shift slightly out of the W-SW at 20mph by mid-afternoon. High tide: 6:49a.m.; Low tide:1:11p.m.; Ocean temp: 48°; Sunset: 5:27p.m.; Full moon is tomorrow, yet it will appear full today as it will be shining brightly and will be crossing the horizon at 4:26p.m.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Mornin'! It's 38° in WW. Sunrise is in about a half hour. I'm not sure how dramatic today's sunrise will be as there's some major cloud cover this morning. There are breaks in the clouds and breaks could mean a dramatic, beautiful sunrise. We'll soon find out. Sun will be hanging out for most of the day once the morning clouds move out. Temps will be in the mid-40's as the winds will be 10-15mph out of the NW. Overall, a nice winter's day at the Shore. High tide: 5:47p.m.; Low tide: 11:50a.m.; Ocean temp: 48°; Sunset: 5:26p.m.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Who Let the dogs out?

Mornin'! It's 29 crisp, wintry degrees. The sun's up along with some cloud cover making for a spectacular show of today's colorful morning sky. Temps will rise into the high 40's as today will be dry and pleasant. Winds will be variable beginning from the West at 10-15mph; then shifting from the SW; then W-NW tonight possibly bringing the moisture. If it's cold enough, this storm that's heading our way as we're just on the fringe of the moisture, could create a coating of snow on the overnight. I'm just saying. Tomorrow...just the opposite as we could begin the day cloudy and wet, then the sun will check back in. Today's tides...High:5:02p.m.; Low:11:07a.m.; Ocean Temp: 48°; Sunset:5:25p.m. 45 days until Spring!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dry and Pleasant Friday

Mornin'! It's 35° this crisp, clear, starlit, winter's morning. Sun's due up in an hour. Clouds are nowhere around as I'm betting on a beautiful sunrise (7:01a.m.). It'll be mostly sunny, dry and pleasant as temps will climb into the upper 40's today as it's looking like a lovely day at the Shore. N-NW winds bring in the light breezes at 10-15mph. The weekend looks like we may see snow showers (not sure about any accumulation) on the overnight Saturday and early Sunday. Today...nice one for the Wildwood Dog Show not to mention the Starlings that have been spotted taking over our beach! High tide:4:11p.m.; Low tide:10:19a.m.; Ocean temp:48°; Sunset:5:24p.m.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day!

Mornin'! The Groundhog saw his shadow this, six more weeks of winter! I say, "What winter?" I should watch the sarcasm as Winter does have its way with you when in the mood or when you least expect it. But, it's been a mild winter in Wildwood so far this year. Today...begins at 42° under cloudy skies. It's not raining at the moment but we're due for a spritzing on and off throughout the morning. As the day progesses so does the drying out process as the sun will be peeking in this afternoon. Temps will get up in the low-mid 50's. Winds will be out of the NW at 10-15mph. High tide:3:15p.m.; Low tide:9:26a.m.; Ocean temp: 48°; Sunset:5:23p.m.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bienvenue February!

Mornin'! It's 44° this partly cloudy/partly sunny morn in WW. It was spritzing a little while ago, but we're drying out at the moment. Temps will be mild and unseasonable today as we may catch a glimpse of 60+degrees. The clouds and sun will be tussling throughout most of the day. Winds will be from the W-SW at 15-20mph with some gusting. I think not only all the dogshow pooches are going to enjoy their mini-vacation at the Shore, but I'm sure it's just the beginning of "horseback riding on the beach" sitings! High tide: 2:13p.m.; Low tide: 8:26a.m.; Ocean Temp: 47°; Sunset: 5:22p.m. 48 days until Spring, although we're getting a nice preview today!