The best gift shop this side of the Delaware Bay |
Mornin'! It's 78° this bit of a breezy morn. The best part is...it's a Seabreeze! Thank god. No seabreezes as of late and that stupid, fly-ridden landbreeze was a furnace and I'm being kind. While we're on the subject...let's talk breezes shall we? They're currently out of the N-NE at 11-16mph and will shift to the SE at 5-10mph later. It's all good as long as there's an "east" in the direction. This morning there's sea fragrance is in the air. Sun's shining. Sky is blue. Flags are flying. The island's crowded. 4th of July is still in the air. More fireworks tonight in WW. It'll just tap the 90° mark today as it'll be sunny, hot and humid only with some seabreeze. See ya at the beach again!
High tide:11:00a.m.
Low tide:5:00p.m.
Ocean temp:75°
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