Mornin'! It's 64° in Wildwood. The mornings seem to becoming a little cooler. It definitely has the feel of Fall in the air today. Once again I could just repeat what I've been posting all week for the weather. And, it'll be the same for the weekend or at least until Wednesday. It's currently clear, quiet (no breezes or tree leaves rustling) although I can hear the seagulls in the far off distance laughing. Ms Sun's due up any moment as she'll be shining down for yet another sunny beauty. It'll be sunny and warm with temps in the low-mid 80s and breezes out of the N-NW at 6-8mph. Tonight... back into the low-mid 60s with clear, starlit skies and breezes light and variable mostly out of the NW. Full Moon's tomorrow and we'll get to see it in all its glory tonight and all weekend!
High tide:7:15a.m.
Low tide:1:11p.m.
Ocean temp:76°
Full Moon Rise:6:47p.m.
Rip Currents: Low Risk
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