Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy September!

Mornin'! It's amazing that it's September already. Just amazing. Wow that terrific summer just flew by! It's also Hump Day and another hot one. It'll be another hazy, hot and humid summer like day as the sun rises this morning. It's currently 70 degrees in WW and will head into the high 90's. No breeze again this morning, but one will be around later from the West at 10mph. (don't forget to pack the insect repellant along with the sunblock today as the greenheads will be having a field day today). High tide: 1:12pm; low tide: 6:41a.m.; ocean temp:79 degrees. So's more...Earl...making his presence known for WW will feel the effects as we head back to high surf and swells and rip currents for the days ahead. Some beaches may be closed due to a major downsize of lifeguards but more importantly due to the rough seas. Don't swim alone, stay near a lifeguard and listen to their whistles. The Jersey shore will be battening down the hatches by Friday, but today the current category 3 Hurricane's path is being closely watched as it heads in the direction of Virginia and the Carolinas. Forecasters are saying it's projection is up the Atlantic coast and depending on how it develops or doesn't, we'll be watching and reacting as it continues along to the WW shores. No emergency evacuations scheduled or put in effect as of this blog. The ocean will be begin to feel the effects though, so be careful if you're on the beach and decide on a swim. I may see you there!


Jim Anders said...

I love the use of the long, narrow photo. A small square one beneath it would make it a photographic exclamation point (my graphic background, I guess). Don't know how that would be possible, but cool photo, none-the-less.

Henry H. Turtle said...

I love the exclamation!!