Mornin'! It's 63° this morning with just a very light breeze. Has a touch of autumn in the air this early morning. It'll be another beauty today as sun will shine in cloudless skies, temps will be in the low-80's and humidity will be low. Winds will eventually come from the NW at 10mph and shift direction by this afternoon and head over the island from the SW. High tide:3:18p.m.; Low tide:8:35a.m.; Ocean temp: 72°; Sunset:7:42p.m.; Sounds like a beach day today! Keeping close watch to Hurricane Irene as she heads in this direction. Our weekend will be impacted someway...not sure how severely yet, but something's brewing for WW. For today...remember the trash...
please pick it up and don't litter the island!
Footnote: at 1:51p.m. today...an earthquake could be felt on the island! Apparently the epicenter 5.8 magnitude was in Virginia and could be felt up and down the eastern seaboard and as far inland as central PA. There was a 5.3 in Colorado at 5 o'clock this morning too! Might be more than summer coming to an end.
Back to school weather here this morning!
I actually had the thought of "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" today. Maybe the earthquake in Virginia shook my tree.
it's the end of the world as we knew it!
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