Mornin'! It's 73° this morning as the sun's about to expose its big orange self over the coral colored horizon. It feels lovely outside as the humidity is down. The aromas of the sea and bay can hardly be detected. There's a light breeze from the West at 7mph. It'll be sunny and pleasant for the most part today with temps in the mid-upper 80's. We may touch the 90° mark and that's not so pleasant. Breezes will continue to waft over the island out of the WNW at 10-15mph. and that could mean greenhead biting flies on the beach...prepare accordingly! There's a 30% chance of showers tonight (hopefully not affecting National Night Out which the Wildwoods will be taking part) but after last night's intense show of winds, angry dark clouds and thunder and lightning that mother nature displayed for the island, not one drop fell from the sky...amazing. It just passed right over us. So, tonight's rain prediction remains to be seen. Tomorrow however...rain looks likely most of the day. I hope KMart and Walmart are stocking their shelves today. Today's tides: High:10:06a.m.; Low: 4:09p.m.; Ocean temp: 78°; Sunset: 8:10p.m.; 52 days until Fall (was in Rite-Aid last night and Halloween merchanise is on the shelves)! Don't forget...no littering the island...it'll blow into the sea and the sea creatures don't do well with plastic bottles and bags in their habitat. Please pick up your trash.
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