NJ 147 (heading into North Wildwood) |
Mornin'! It's 74° in rainy Wildwood. Just minutes ago it began raining. I'm hearing a little thunder in the distance so I'm sure there's lightning strikes tagging along somewhere out there. It's still pretty dark out and no doubt will look gray and ominous once daybreak takes place. One thing that won't be taking place and that's Ms Sun's showcase of rising colorfully and beautifully over the horizon. All forecasts are pointing to showers and/or thunderstorms today beginning now (60% chance). We may seek a peek of sun later this afternoon, it'll be mostly a gray day with rain likely (some rain could be heavy) as temps get up in the low-mid 80s. Winds will be out of the SW at 8-11mph. Tonight...clouds are staying checked in as more scattered showers and/or thunderstorms are likely (30% chance) and temps drop back into the mid 70s with breezes out of the South at 15-21mph. Tomorrow's still cloudy (not so rainy) and Wednesday will be having Ms Sun returning and bringing a bit of a heatwave with her as temperatures and humidity begin the climb up.
High tide:5:27p.m.
Low tide:10:54a.m.
Ocean temp:76°
Rip Currents Risk: Moderate
That next Full Moon is beginning to make it's presence known with it's brightness during the night. For July of 2015, there are two full Moons. July 1st and July 31st. Many folks use the term, "Blue Moon" when this happens. July is the month of the Full Buck Moon. Bucks begin to grow new antlers at this time. This full Moon was also known as the Thunder Moon, because thunderstorms are so frequent during this month (perfect with the thunderstorm happening in the distance as I type). With this week's Full Moon, keep in mind the extra high and low tides the island's experiencing. When there's water in the streets it's sea water and it's not to be bargained with as it's nothing but corrosive for the underneath of our vehicles so don't drive through it.
And, I've decided to put the Beach Etiquette tips on the blog on a weekly basis just keeping a bit of a refresher to feed our subconscious.
Beach Etiquette tips:
~remember to take your trash.
~remember to take your cigarette butts (or just don't smoke and pollute the lovely sea air).
~remember to pack your headphones (believe it or not no one wants to hear your music).
~kindly give your neighbors space and careful not to place your umbrella,chair or blanket too close.
~give your kids a quick lesson on "no running on others blankets or towells"
~give your kids another lesson on running too close to beach goers to avoid kicking sand on them.
~don't play ball, frisbee or fly kites near other beach goers.
~don't feed the seagulls (if possible eat under your umbrella) as these vultures will swoop down and
pluck that food right out of your hand and create havoc around your beach area.
~shake towels or beach blankets away from others who are enjoying their beach time.
~follow posted warnings and pay attention to lifeguards.
Make it happen!