Mornin'! It's 78° in Wildwood. It's hazy, hot and humid with not a breeze to note. Heat index is 89
° at 5:30 in the morning. Humidity's 87% with 77° Dewpoint. Wait until Ms Sun shows up and she's on her way in less than a half hour. She'll be cooking us today with temps tapping 90°. Hot fun in the Summertime! Expect plenty of summer heat with hazy hot sunshine and hot land breezes out of the West at 5-10mph (pack the insect repellent). Tonight...upper 70s / low 80s with a 20% chance of a scattered shower and/or thunderstorm and breezes out of the SW at 5-10mph. Those scattered showers and thunderstorms will make the weekend weather unsettled as all forecasts are reporting storm clouds that seem to be checking in and staying for the weekend. Keep your eye on that Doppler as any weekend outdoor plans could be impacted by showers and/or thunderstorms. And, Merry Christmas in July as that'll be the main theme this weekend.
High tide:6:42a.m. and 7:04p.m.
Low tide:12:29p.m.
Ocean temp:74°
UV Index: 10 (very high)
Rip Current: Low
New Moon: Sunday (could see higher than normal tides)
Friday Beach Etiquette tips~
~Never leave trash on the beach and even better yet...pick up any you see whether it's yours or not. Note trash and recycle containers as The Wildwoods do recycle.
~Don't forget those cigarette butts...collect and trash them (or just don't smoke and pollute the lovely sea air). Never stick them in the sand and leave them...that'll be tomorrow's find for the little kid digging in the sand. Plus, cigarette filters take years to decompose and could be taken to the ocean by the tides giving sea life harmful/toxic cigarette filter tidbits to swallow.
~Remember to pack headphones (believe it or not no one wants to hear your music blaring from your boom box). Big, loud boom boxes are not welcomed on the beach.
~Kindly give your neighbors space when selecting your beach site. Courtesy is key. Careful not to plop down in others personal beach space.
~Teach children some beach etiquette. Running nearby others and kicking or throwing sand is a no-brainer but sometimes you'd never know it. Dropping one potato chip thoughtlessly will create seagull havoc.
~Feeding the seagulls is a big no-no. Eat and snack smartly. Using hands to express emotion when holding your sandwich up or out is a magnet for swooping gulls. Eat under your umbrella or hooded sand chair as the beach vultures (gulls) are eyeing beach goers constantly trying to find who's eating and looking for the right opportune moment to swoop down and pluck your lunch right out of your hand or mouth (seen it happen many times). Once they get you then the havoc begins as 40 other gulls come in for a food fight of your scattered lunch. By the way, seagulls know "chip bags" and if they see one sticking out of your unsupervised beach bag, they will think nothing of helping themselves and remove the chips from your bag as well as share your snacks with their gull friends while you're taking a walk or a dip (seen it happen many times).
~Playing ball, frisbee, corn hole, and kite-flying etc on the back side of the beach (dune side), not near beachgoers (the beach patrol will usually stop you anyway if you're in the wrong area.)
~shake towels and blankets away from others noting the wind direction.
~follow posted warnings (closed beaches, rip currents, surfboard/boogie board area etc) and always pay attention to lifeguards.
~(hubby suggested this one) If you must use your cell phone on the beach...courtesy would be to head to a private area as again...no one really wants to hear your phone conversation. Happy Beaching!