High tide: 3:24PM
Low tide: 9:21AM
Ocean temp: 53°
Sunrise: 5:46AM
Sunset: 8:06PM
Corona Virus Cases in NJ: 142,704
Corona Virus Deaths in NJ: 9,946
Corona Virus Cases in Cape May County: 483
Corona Virus Deaths in Cape May County: 39
The City of Wildwood discussed the beach and boardwalk rules as of late and as of this week, visitors are allowed on the boardwalk to exercise and the beach to sit and relax. The Town is taking measures to keep people safe. They've added a cycled message on the public address system reminding visitors to practice social distancing. This message will be on a 15 minute cycle and can be heard through-out the entire Wildwood boardwalk. In addition, Ambassadors will be on the boardwalk reminding folks about social distancing if they see groups starting to form. Also, police will be on the boardwalk helping to enforce the 6-foot rule. Off the boardwalk and on to the beach... since the beaches are big enough for people to practice the 6-foot rule without too much difficulty, the City believes that visitors are educated enough to know how to distance themselves while on the beach. Good luck with that. The only places allowed to be open are food businesses as The Wildwoods are waiting on Governor Phil Murphy to announce the opening of stores, playgrounds, arcades and amusement parks which all remain closed. Here are some of the opening dates for local eating establishments.
Personally, I'm just reporting this news and do not condone it. With warm weather on the way, it's only a matter of time until the streets, boardwalk and beaches become much more congested with 6-foot rule folks as our sleepy little town wakes up and this crowded scenario scares me. Currently when out and about, seeing face masks worn or social distancing is rare. We've had 39 deaths in our county so far and I can only imagine how the number may climb after the housebound folks travel to the coast and begin interacting with one another starting this weekend.
First time ever that I had a sense of impending doom with summer coming. Feeling vulnerable about it, tell the truth. This will be a summer like no other.
@Jim... my exact thoughts. It's an "impending doom sense" as all these visitors express joy, happiness and excitement. I've never felt such apprehension and fear as I anticipate what's ahead this summer.
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