Today's Webcam Shots - North Wildwood |
Mornin'! It's 75° in Wildwood NJ. Humidity's 96% with a dewpoint of 75°. Breezes (barely there) are out of the W-NW at 3-5mph. It's cloudy with peeks of sunshine coming through the clouds along the horizon along the ocean. It looks like it may be a mostly cloudy day with considerable cloudiness, occasional rain showers (50% chance), temps tapping 80° and NE breezes at 5-10mph. Tonight... still cloudy with 60% chance of rain showers, winds light and variable and temps around 70°. Tomorrow... rain showers early (50% chance) with peeks of sun beginning around mid-day. Temps will be around 80° along with Easterly breezes at 5-10mph. The remainder of the week still looks unsettled with the possibility of rain every day until Saturday. And, the "New Moon" is Thursday which will be bringing higher than normal tides. Keep your eye on the sky and be aware of those low-lying flood areas on the island.
High Tides: 7:17AM and 7:30PM
Low Tide: 12:47PM
Ocean Temp: 76°
Sunrise: 5:54AM
Sunset: 8:17PM
UV Index: 2.5 Low
Rip Current: Low risk
Corona Virus Cases in NJ: 2,574,316
Corona Virus Deaths in NJ: 35,222
Corona Virus Cases in CMC: 25,531
Corona Virus Deaths in CMC: 313
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