Mornin! Currently 48 degrees in WW this quiet, sunny Sunday morning. Forecast is pretty much a repeat of the last few days; sunny, warm, mild with island-simmering aromas all around. Temperature will go into the high 60's and may even reach 70. Not much of a breeze until later this afternoon when the island air shifts and turns cooler as the air which flows from the ocean. If you stop and listen the roar of the ocean waves breaking can be heard. (It's not the sound of traffic on an interstate even though the sound is identical!) Sweet Spring is so in the air.
91 days until Summer!
Mar heard traffic on the AC Expwy yesterday. Already, the traffic has begun. Yesterday, I sat on the 9th St bridge for 25 mins in bumper to bumper after a quick run to the produce store. Yeah, summertime's a comin'!
Borrowed your San Francisco weather comparison, but gave you the credit and a link on Sunday's post on my blog :)
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