Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Beautiful Fall Stretch of Weather Continues

Mornin'!  It's 48° this dark, chilly morn.  When I stepped outside this morning to check the porch thermometer I could hear the roar of the ocean today.  With all the quietness in the early morning darkness some days the ocean's roar is really predominent.  My daughter once mistook it for the sound of cars on a highway!  It's going to be another beauty today as this lovely stretch of Fall weather continues.  Temps will reach the mid-60's as the sun pours down.  There will be a little cloud cover thrown in the mix.   A light southern breeze at 10mph will be checked in right through into the eve when temps will drop back down into the 50's.  After we get through a bit of a rainy period toward the end of the's looking like a weekend similar to today.
High tide:10:01a.m.
Low tide:4:24p.m.
Ocean temp:64°


Anonymous said...

Look like there will be a crescent moon tonight!

Jim Anders said...

The sound of the ocean for me is one of sheer, quiet power.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!