Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gloom is checking out today!

Mornin'!  It's 59° in Wildwood.  It's funny...every weather link I checked out said it was 59° in WW.  Usually there's four or five various numbers for the island's temp.  Everyone was on the same page this morning.  Not to mention, my outdoor porch thermometer is always spot on.   It's a very neat morning as the fog's settled in and it's mild plus there's no breezes.  One weather person called it "gloom" as it's still dark with that ominous look and feel everywhere you look.  Streetlights are giving that ol' London streets eerie "Jack the Ripper" feel to the neighborhood as the thick fog's settling in.  It'll be misty, periods of drizzles and even a shower today.  By this afternoon (or as early as late morning) we could see peeks of sun trying its best to burn off the gloom.  It's coming...that ol' Miss Sun is returning and will be sticking around for the next 5-6 days!  Temps are going to be in the low 70's as a SE breezes eventually shifting from the West at 10-15mph will be checked in later.  Seems like we're going to have a fairly decent day at the shore.  Tonight will be clear and in the 50s. 
High tide:4:28p.m.
Low tide:10:23a.m.
Ocean temp:68°

1 comment:

dodi said...

do I spot Lou out there with his gear?