Mornin'! It's 73° in Wildwood NJ. Humidity's 88% with a Dewpoint of 68°. We're currently under cloud cover mostly at the horizon not allowing Ms Sun to show herself. Breezes are out of the SW at 2-4mph and it's feeling very comfortable outside. Once the sun's up and over the cloud cover, things will begin to heat up. Expect a partly sunny / partly cloudy day with a 20% chance of rain as temps rise into the low-mid 80s with S-SW breezes at 9-13mph. Tonight... mostly clear with a few passing clouds and 10% chance of a scattered rain shower. Temps will drop back to where they are now... low-mid 70s with SW breezes at 10-15mph. Tomorrow... generally sunny with temps in the mid-upper 80s and stiff breezes at 10-20mph out of the S-SW.
High tide: 8:26AM and 8:44PM
Low tide: 2:34PM
Ocean temp: 74°
UV Index: 9-10 (high)
Rip Currents: Low risk
Sunrise: 5:40AM
Sunset: 8:28PM
Moonrise: 9:14PM
Corona Virus Cases in NJ: 174,889
Corona Virus Deaths in NJ: 15,189
Corona Virus Cases in CMC: 719
Corona Virus Deaths in CMC: 74
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