Mornin'! It's 68° in WW this morning. Sun's up and there's not a cloud in the sky as it's another perfectly, lovely day at the Shore. It'll be a tad on the warmer side but dry and a bit humid as temps could just tap the 80° mark. That ol' seabreeze continues to cool us off coming more out of the South at 10mph. Looks pretty much the same for tomorrow but even warmer for the holiday. There's a chance of a pop-up thunderstorm late today but everywhere I've checked said we're too far south to be affected by them. Fog could develop tonight which is perfect in my opinion. Went to the beach yesterday and while sitting relaxing under my umbrella... if I said it once, I said it 15 times, "I can't believe how many people are on this beach today." It's one thing to see this island completely jammed packed, but the beach and even the ocean was loaded. It was completely reminiscent of a hot July 4th weekend. Like someone came to this sleepy, pretty much "dead" town and hit the big, neon switch "Open For Business." You know..."If you build it; they'll come." My motto is, "If you can't beat them, join them." See you at the beach today! Oh...sunblock...don't forget the sunblock.
High tide:12:47p.m.
Low tide: 6:42p.m.
Ocean temp:65°
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