Mornin'! It's 28° in Wildwood. The sky is clear. There are no breezes to write about. It's quiet and still and cold. There's going to be plentiful sunshine all day today. Winds will be simmered down and much less wifting (I mean wafting) than yesterday.
It's gonna be cold though especially for the Wildwood Polar Plungers as the scantily dressed run into the 40° ocean at 1p.m. supporting the Special Olympics.
It'll be a low tide so there will be lots of beach to run! Temps won't even tap the mid-upper 30s until later this evening. Oh...tonight the winds do check in from the South at 17-25mph. For Sunday...mostly cloudy skies to start as rain is on its way. Showers (as well as some heavy downpours) are expected especially in the afternoon/early evening. Milder temps are on tap though as the thermometer may tap 50° as Sunday is "thaw" day. For today though...sunny and cold. For the Plungers..."feet"...think "feet" when standing on the beach waiting for the starter's pistol. Have some kind of foot wear prepared (I'd borrow someone's UGGs for before and after).
High tide:5:17p.m.
Low tide:11:06a.m.
Ocean temp:41°